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DRDO Scientist ‘B’ Recruitment 2020

Defence Research and Development Organization

Post Name – Scientist ‘B’


 Starting Date  29-May-2020

• Last Date – 10-July-2020 

• Fee Payment Last Date – 10-July-2020

• Admit Card – Notified Soon 

• Exam Date – Notified Soon


• Gen/OBC – Rs. 100/-(It may vary)

• SC/ST/PH – Exempted

• Female Applicants – Exempted

Payment will be made through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/E Challan


As On 31-August-2020

For General – 28 Years (Maximum)

For OBC – 31 Years (Maximum)

For SC / ST – 33 Years (Maximum)

Maximum Age – 30 Years. (ADO)

Age Relaxation (upper Age Limit)- As Per Rule

Number of posts- 185 post

Vacancy Details for DRDO Scientist ‘B’ Recruitment 2020

Post Name – Scientist ‘B’ 

Category Wise Posts Distribution-:

DRDO  – 167 Posts

General – 67 Posts

EWS – 17 Posts

OBC – 45 Posts

SC – 25 Posts

ST – 13 Posts

ADO  – 18 Posts

General – 09 Posts

EWS – 01 Posts

OBC – 04 Posts

SC – 03 Posts

ST – 01 Posts

Pay Scale– As Per Rule

Educational Qualification – 

Electronics &Comm. Engg  – At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Electronics & Communication Engg from a recognized university or equivalent.

Applicants must also fulfil ONE of the following
additional requirements:
1. GATE Qualification: Valid GATE score in Electronics
& Communication Engg [Paper code : EC]
2. Minimum 80% aggregate marks in EQ degree, if
done from an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) or National Institute of Technology (NIT)

MechanicalEngg  – At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Mechanical Engg from a recognized university or equivalent.

Applicants must also fulfil ONE of the following
additional requirements:
1. GATE Qualification: Valid GATE score in
Mechanical Engineering [Paper code : ME]
2. Minimum 80% aggregate marks in EQ degree, if d

ComputerScience &Engg* – At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Computer Science &Engg from a recognized university or equivalent.

Applicants must also fulfil ONE of the following
additional requirements:
1. GATE Qualification: Valid GATE score in Computer
Science & Information Technology [Paper code : CS]
2. Minimum 80% aggregate marks in EQ degree, if done from an IIT or NIT.

Electrical Engg – At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Electrical Engg from a recognized university or equivalent.

GATE Qualification: Valid GATE score in Electrical Engg [Paper code : EE]

Material Science&Engg/MetallurgicalEngg *  – At least First Class Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology in Metallurgy from a recognized university or equivalent.

GATE Qualification:
Valid GATE score in Metallurgical Engineering
[Paper code : MT]

Physics*  – At least First Class Master’s Degree in Physics from a recognised university or equivalent.

GATE Qualification :
Valid GATE score in Physics [Paper code : PH]

Chemistry*  – At least First Class Master’s Degree in Chemistry from a recognised university or equivalent.

GATE Qualification:
Valid GATE score in Chemistry [Paper code : CY]

Chemical Engg  – At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Chemical Engg from a recognized university or equivalent.

GATE Qualification:
Valid GATE score in Chemical Engineering
[Paper code : CH]

AeronauticalEngg  – At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Aeronautical Engg from a recognized university or equivalent.

GATE Qualification :
Valid GATE score in Aerospace Engineering
[Paper code : AE]

Mathematics* – At least First Class Master’s Degree in Mathematics from a recognised university or equivalent.

GATE Qualification :
Valid GATE score in Mathematics [Paper code : MA]

Civil Engg – At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Civil Engg from a recognized university or equivalent.

GATE Qualification :
Valid GATE score in Civil Engineering [Paper code : CE]

Psychology  – At least First Class Master’s Degree in Psychology from a recognized university or equivalent.

NET Qualification@ :
Qualified the NET exam for eligibility to Assistant Professorship in Psychology [Subject Code : 04]
@ : Candidates due to appear for the NET exam of June 2020 may also apply subject to a declaration (as per format available at RAC website) that they have submitted their applications for writing the June 2020 NET (online). These candidates will have to
submit their NET score card/certificate within fifteen days of the declaration of NET June 2020 results.


Electronics &Comm. Engg  – At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Electronics & Communication Engg from a recognized university or equivalent. Valid Gate Score

MechanicalEngg  – At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Mechanical Engg from a recognized university or equivalent. Valid Gate Score

ComputerScience &Engg – At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Computer Science &Engg from a recognized university or equivalent Valid Gate Score

AeronauticalEngg – At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Aeronautical Engg from a recognized university or equivalent.

How to Apply for DRDO Scientist ‘B’ Recruitment Online Form 2020 – Candidates can apply through link provided below or they can also apply through official site of the RAC before due date.

Requisites of Online Application(Scanned)-:



Mode of Selection DRDO Scientist ‘B’ Recruitment Online Form 2020 – Selection will be based on -:

Descriptive Examination & Interview

Important Links

Apply Online Click Here
NotificationDRDO| ADO

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